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   Trust in Allah - As mentioned (29 times) in AlQuran - بِسۡمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡم Al-Anfaal 08:49 Whoever puts his trust in Allah – He is All Mighty and All Wise And he who puts his trust in Allah, then indeed, Allah is All Mighty, All Wise.

Al-Anfaal 08:61 Put your trust in Allah – He Hears and Knows And trust in Allah. Surely it is He who is All Hearing, All Knowing.

AtTauba 09:51 Put your trust in Allah – if you believe in Him And upon Allah let believers put their trust.

AtTauba 09:129 Put your trust in Allah – He is Sufficient So say: “Sufficient for me is Allah. There is no deity except Him. In Him have I put my trust, and He is the Lord of the Tremendous Throne.”

Younus 10:71 I put my trust in Allah – Noah proclaimed Then I have put my trust in Allah.

Younus 10:84 Put your trust in Allah – Moses proclaimed Then put your trust in Him, if you have surrendered (unto Him).

Younus 10:85 We put our trust in Allah – Moses’s people responded So they said: In Allah we put our trust.

Houd 11:56 I put my trust in Allah – Houd proclaimed Indeed, I have put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord.

Houd 11:88 I put my trust in Allah and turn to Him – Houd said And my success is not except from Allah. Upon Him I trust, and unto Him I turn.

Houd 11:123 Put your trust in Allah and worship Him – Allah Commands So worship Him and put your trust in Him.

Yousef 12:67 I put my trust in Allah – Yaqoob proclaimed Upon Him do I put my trust, and upon Him let all the trusting put their trust.

ArRaad 13:30 I put my trust in Allah – Muhammad proclaimed He is my Lord, there is no god but Him. In Him I put my trust and to Him is my return.

Ibrahim 14:11-12 Put your trust in Allah – Earlier Messengers proclaimed Their messengers said to them: “We are not but mortals like yourselves, but Allah bestows favor upon whom He wills of His slaves. And it is not ours that we bring you an authority, except by the permission of Allah. And upon Allah let those who believe put their trust.”

“And what is it with us that we should not put our trust upon Allah, and indeed He has guided us our ways. And we shall certainly bear with patience of what hurt you may cause us. And upon Allah let those who trust put their trust.”

AnNahal 16:42 Steadfast people put their trust in Allah Those who remain steadfast, and put their trust in their Lord.

AnNahal 16:99 Those who put their trust in Allah - Satan has no power over them Indeed, there is for him no authority over those who believe and put trust in their Lord.

AlFurqan25:58 Put your trust in Him who is Ever Living And trust upon him who is Ever Living, who does not die. And glorify His praise.

AshShuara 26:217 Put your trust in Him who is All Mighty Merciful And put your trust in the All Mighty, the Merciful.

AnNamal 27:79 Put your trust in Allah – Allah commands So put your trust in Allah. Indeed, you are on a clear truth.

AlAnkaboot 29:59 Those who have patience put their trust in Allah Those who are patient, and in their Lord put their trust.

AlAhzab 33:48 Put your trust in Allah – Allah is Sufficient And put your trust in Allah. And Sufficient is Allah as Trustee.

AzZumaur 39:38 Sufficient is Allah for those who put their trust in Him Say: “Sufficient for me is Allah. In Him trust those who put their trust.”

AshShura 42:10 In my Lord I put my trust and turn to Him – Muhammad is taught Such is Allah, my Lord, upon whom I trust, and to whom I turn.

AshShura 42:36 Those who put their trust with Allah will get better than what they have So whatever of things you have been given is an enjoyment of the life of the world. And that which is with Allah is better and more lasting for those who believe and upon their Lord they trust.

AlMujadilah 58:10 Those who put their trust in Allah – Satan can’t harm them Secret conversation is only from Satan, that he may cause grief to those who believe, and he cannot harm them at all except by permission of Allah. And in Allah let the believers put their trust.

AlMumtahina 60:04 We put our trust in You, O our Lord – Ibrahim proclaimed “Our Lord, in You have we put our trust, and to You have we turned, and to You is the journeying.”

AtTaghabun 64:13 Put your trust in Allah -There is no deity but Him Allah, there is no god except Him. And upon Allah let the believers put their trust.

AtTalaq 65:03 Those who put their trust in Him – He provides them And He will provide for him from where he could not imagine. And whoever trusts in Allah, then He is Sufficient for him.

AlMulk 67:29 They put their trust in Him – those who believe in ArRahman Say: “He is the Beneficent, we have believed in Him, and upon Him have we put our trust.

quran/topics/tawakkal.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/27 19:52 by muslim