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Parents - As mentioned in Al-Quran بِسۡمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡم AlIsra 17:23 Kindness towards Parents specially when they reach old age And has decreed your Lord that you worship none except only Him

And to parents (show) kindness

If they attain (while) with you old age, one of them or both of them

So do not say to them both a word of disrespect, nor shout at them

And speak to them both a word of graciousness

AlIsra 17:24 Show Mercy towards Parents and make Dua for them And lower unto them both the wing of submission through mercy

And say: My Lord, have mercy on them both as they did care for me (when I was) little

AlBaqara 2:83 Kindness towards Parents is the best deed after worship to Allah Do not worship (any) except Allah

And to the parents do kindness

And the kindred, and the orphans, and the needy

And speak to mankind in kindness

And establish the prayer, and give the poor due

AnNisa 4:36 Kindness towards Parents is the best deed after worship to Allah And worship Allah and do not ascribe as partner to Him anything

And to the parents do kindness

And to near relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and the neighbor who is near of kin, and the neighbor who is a stranger, and the fellow traveler, and the wayfarer, and (the slaves) whom your right hands possess

Indeed, Allah does not love those who are proud, boastful

AlAnaam 6:151 Not being Kind towards Parents is next to what is Forbidden Say: Come, I will recite what has forbidden your Lord to you. (Your Lord has forbidden upon you) That you associate not with Him anything

And to the parents do kindness

And do not kill your children because of poverty. We provide sustenance for you and for them

And you come not near to lewd things, what is apparent of them and what is concealed

And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except in the course of justice

This He has commanded you with, that you may understand

Luqman 31:14 Be thankful to Allah and be thankful to your Parents And We have enjoined upon man about his parents. Carried him his mother in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years

So give thanks to Me and to your parents. Unto Me is the journeying

AlAhqaf 46:15 Be thankful and make Dua for your Parents and your Children 15. And We have enjoined upon man in regard his parents (to show) kindness

Carried him his mother with hardship and she gave him birth with hardship, and his bearing and his weaning is thirty months

Until when he reached to his full strength, and reaches forty years

He said: My Lord, enable me that I may be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents

And that I may do righteous deeds as may please You, and make righteous for me among my offspring

Indeed, I have repented to You, and indeed, I am of those who surrender

AlAhqaf 46:17 Do not show disrespect towards your Parents And the one who said to his parents: Fie upon you both

Do you promise me that I shall be brought forth, and indeed have passed away generations before me

And they both call help of Allah (and say): Woe unto you, believe. Indeed, the promise of Allah is true. So he says: Nothing is this but tales of the ancient

AlAnKaboot 29:8 Don’t Associate with Allah even if Parents insist on that And We have enjoined upon man in regard his parents being kind

And if they strive with you to make you join with Me that no knowledge you have whereof, then do not obey them

To Me is your return, then I shall surely inform you about what you used to do

Luqman 31:15 Don’t associate with Allah even if Parents insist - Be kind to them And if they strive with you for that you associate with Me that no knowledge you have whereof, then do not obey them

And accompany them in the world kindly

And follow the way of him who turns in repentance to Me. Then to Me will be your return, then I shall tell you of what you used to do

AlBaqara 2:215 Spending on Parents is the highest priority They ask you, what should they spend. Say: Whatever you spend of good

Is for the parents

And near kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer. And whatever you do of good, then indeed, Allah is Aware of it

AnNisa 4:135 Bear witness for justice even if it be against your Parents O those who believe, be firmly standing for justice, as witnesses for Allah

Even if (it be) against yourselves, or (your) parents, or (your) kindred. Whether it be (against) a rich or a poor, for Allah is nearer to them both

So do not follow (your) desire, lest you keep away from justice. And if you distort (your witness) or refuse (to give it), then indeed, Allah is, of what you do, ever informed

ArRaad13:23 Righteous parents and families will be together in Paradise Gardens of Eden which they shall enter, and those who acted righteously from among their fathers (and mothers), and their spouses, and their offspring

Ibrahim 14:41 Make Dua for the forgiveness of Parents as Prophet Ibrahim did Our Lord, forgive me and my parents and the believers on the day when will be established the reckoning

Noah 71:28 Make Dua for the forgiveness of Parents as Prophet Noah did My Lord, forgive me and my parents and whoever has entered my house as a believer, and the believing men and the believing women

AlBaqara 2:180 Parents get share from the inheritance It is prescribed for you, when approaches to any of you the death, if he leaves wealth, that he make a bequest to parents and near relatives according to what is reasonable. (This is) a duty upon the righteous

AnNisa 4:33 Allah decides how parents’ wealth should be distributed And for everyone, We have appointed heirs of that (property) left by the parents and the near relatives

And to those with whom you have pledged your oath, so give them their due portion. Indeed, Allah is, over all things, ever a Witness

AnNisa 4:7 Husband and wife have rights to keep inheritance from their Parents For men is a share of what leave behind the parents and the near relatives

And for women is a share of what leave behind the parents and the near relatives

Of that, small be it or large, a share ordained (by Allah)

Luqman 31:33 Parents will not be able to help on the Day of Judgment O mankind: Fear your Lord and fear a Day when shall avail not a father (or a mother) for his (her) son (or daughter), nor a son (or a daughter) shall avail for his (her) father (or mother) anything at all

Indeed, promise of Allah is the truth. So let not deceive you the life of the world, nor let deceive you about Allah the deceiver (Satan)

Abasa 80:34-37 Parents will flee from the children on the Day of Judgment That Day shall flee man from his brother

And his mother and his father

And his wife and his children

For every man of them, on that Day, shall have enough to make him heedless of others

quran/topics/parents.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/27 18:07 by muslim