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Husband and Wife As mentioned in AlQuran بِسۡمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡم AnNisa 4:1 All Humans are Progeny of one Husband and Wife O mankind, fear your Lord

Who created you from a single soul

And He created from it its mate

And He has spread from them both a multitude of men and women

ArRoom 30:21 Love and Mercy between Husband and Wife And among His signs is that

He created for you mates from yourselves

That you may find tranquility in them

And He placed between you love and mercy

Indeed, in that are sure signs for a people who reflect

AlFurqan 25:74 Husband and Wife make Dua for each other And those who say:

Our Lord, grant us from our spouses and our children comfort of our eyes

And make us to lead among the righteous

AlMomin 40:8 Angels make Dua for Husband and Wife Our Lord, and make them enter the gardens of Eden which you have promised them

And whoever was righteous among their fathers, and their spouses, and their offspring

Indeed, You are the All Mighty, the Wise.

AnNisa 4:4 Allah Commands Bridal Gift (Mahr) between Husband and Wife And give the women (upon marriage) their bridal gifts with a good heart

But if they remit to you anything of it on their own, then enjoy it with pleasure (and) ease

AnNisa 4:35 Arbitrators from each family to reconcile between Husband and Wife And if you fear a dissension between them (husband and wife), then appoint an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her family

If they (arbitrators) desire reconciliation, Allah will make between them. Indeed Allah is ever All Knower, Well Acquainted

AlBaqarah 2:187 Relationship between Husband and Wife in Ramdhan It has been made lawful for you in the night of the fasting to be with your wives

They are as a garment for you, and you are as a garment for them (protect and beautify each other like clothes do)

AlBaqarah 2:223 Wife for Husband is like a Garden that brings Fruits (Children) Your wives are a cultivation for you, so go to your place of cultivation however you will

AnNisa 4:34 Husband has Primary Responsibility to Support Wife The men are in charge of the women, by what Allah has bestowed upon one of them over the other, and because they spend of their wealth

So the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allah), guarding in (husband’s) absence that which Allah has (ordered to be) guarded

AnNisa 4:7 Husband and Wife have Rights to keep their Inheritance For men is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave

And for women is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave

Of that, be it small or large, a share ordained (by Allah)

AnNisa 4:32 Husband and Wife have Rights to keep their Earned Wealth And do not desire for that in which Allah has bestowed more to some of you over others

For men is a share of what they have earned

And for women is a share of what they have earned

And ask Allah of His bounty. Indeed, Allah is ever All Knower of all things

AnNisa 4:19 Husband should treat Wife with Kindness And do not put constraint upon them that you may take away a part of dowry that which you have given them

And live with them in kindness

For if you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing and Allah has placed therein much good

quran/topics/husband_and_wife.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/27 18:07 by muslim