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Divorce - As mentioned in Al-Quran

بِسۡمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡم

Surah AlBaqarah 2:226 
  • Warning about abandoning wife without divorcing her
  • For those who take an oath to keep away from their wives, the waiting is four months.
  • It is better if husband breaks the oath and they re-join
  • Then, if they return, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Surah AlBaqarah 2:227 
  • But if divorce is the intent, then proceed accordingly
  • And if they decide upon divorce, then indeed, Allah is All Hearer, All Knower.
Surah AlBaqarah 2:228
  • What is waiting period (Iddat) after divorce
  • And the divorced women shall wait, for themselves (from re-marriage) for three menstrual periods.
  • Unlawful to conceal pregnancy after divorce
  • And it is not lawful for them that they should conceal that which Allah has created in their wombs, if they believe in Allah and the day of Hereafter.
  • Husband has more right to take wife back after divorce is pronounced
  • And their husbands have more right to take them back in that (period), if they desire reconciliation.
  • Women also have rights
  • And they (women) have (rights) similar to those over them according to what is equitable, and men have above them a degree. And Allah is All Mighty, All Wise.
Surah AlBaqarah 2:229
  • Divorce is twice - Husband and wife can get back together by reconciling during Iddat or re-marrying after
  • Iddat only twice
  • The divorce is twice.
  • What should husband do after the divorce is pronounced
  • Then (a woman) must be kept on reasonable terms.
  • Or be separated with kindness.
  • When divorcing, do not take back whatever has been given to wife
  • And it is not lawful for you that you take back from that which you have given them (women) of anything.
  • Woman has right to seek divorce too (Khula)
  • Except that both fear that they may not keep the limits (ordained by) Allah. Then if you fear that they may not keep the limits set by Allah, then it is no sin for either of them in that by which she ransoms herself.
  • Take Allah’s commands seriously in the matter of divorce
  • These are the limits set by Allah, so do not transgress them. And whoever transgresses the limits set by Allah,
  • then it is those who are the wrongdoers.
Surah AlBaqarah 2:230 
  • Third divorce and marriage is finished
  • Then if he has divorced her (for the third time), then she is not lawful to him afterward.
  • After three divorces a man can marry his ex-wife only if she is first married to another man and if that man (second husband) divorces her.
  • Pre-planned marriage and divorce (halala) is forbidden and is a sin
  • Until she marries a husband other than him. Then if he (new husband) divorces her, then it is no sin upon them both (woman and the former husband) that they reunite together, if they think that they may keep the limits set by Allah.
  • Take Allah’s commands seriously in the matter of divorce.
  • And these are the limits (ordained by) Allah, which He makes clear for a people who have knowledge.
Surah AlBaqarah 2:231 
  • After divorce, when waiting period (Iddat) is reached- proceed as follows
  • And when you have divorced women, and they have reached their term.
  • Keep them by re-marrying
  • Then keep them on reasonable terms.
  • Or depart with them by sending them away
  • Or separate them on reasonable terms.
  • After divorce, do not keep women with the intent of harming them
  • And do not keep them (intending) to harm, that you transgress (the limits). And whoever does that, then indeed, he has wronged himself.
  • Take Allah’s commands seriously in the matter of divorce.
  • And do not take the verses of Allah in jest, and remember the favor of Allah upon you, and that which He has sent down to you of the Book (the Quran) and wisdom, by which He instructs you. And fear Allah and know that
  • Allah is, of all things, Aware.
Surah AtTalaq 65:01  
  • Follow and track the waiting period (Iddat) before divorce is final
  • O Prophet (announce to the people). When you divorce women, so divorce them for their (prescribed waiting)

periods, and count the period. And fear Allah, your Lord.

  • Do not force women out of their homes while in waiting period (Iddat) and in the process of divorce
  • Do not expel them out of their (husbands’) houses, nor should they (themselves) leave, except in case they commit a clear indecency.
  • Take Allah’s commands seriously in the matter of divorce.
  • And these are the limits set by Allah. And whoever transgresses the limits set by Allah, then certainly he has wronged against his own self.
  • Being kind and fearing Allah - while in the process of divorce
  • Allah may create of a situation of reconciliation
  • You know not, may be Allah will bring about after this a matter (of reconciliation).
Surah AtTalaq 65:02 
  • Husband has permission to keep wife (by re-marrying her) or send her away after waiting period (Iddat) of divorce is over.
  • Then when they have reached their term, either retain them on reasonable terms, or part with them on reasonable terms.
  • Two witnesses are needed while remarrying or departing
  • And call to witness two just men from among you, and establish testimony for Allah.
  • Fear Allah and He will appoint a way out in the matter of divorce
  • This you are admonished with, whoever believes in Allah and the last day. And whoever fears Allah, He will
  • appoint for him a way out.
Surah AlBaqarah 2:232 
  • Instructions from Allah to those relatives who try to stop divorced woman from re-marrying to her former husband
  • (before third breakup of the marriage) or to a new husband
  • And when you have divorced women, and they have reached their term, then do not prevent them that they marry
  • their husbands (former or new), when they have agreed among themselves on reasonable terms.
  • It is more virtuous and pure not to prevent re-marrying
  • This is instructed to him, who among you believes in Allah and the last day. That is more virtuous for you, and purer. And Allah knows, and you do not know.
Surah AlBaqarah 2:241 
  • Provision for divorced woman
  • And for divorced women is a provision that is reasonable, a duty upon those who are righteous.
Surah AlAhzab 33:49 
  • No waiting period (Iddat) for divorce if marriage did not consummate
  • O those who believe, when you marry believing women.
  • Then divorce them before that you have touched them.
  • Then not for you is about them any waiting term to count for them.
  • So provide for them and send them off, a sending gracefull.
Surah AlBaqarah 02:236 
  • Paying non-agreed mahar at divorce if marriage did not consummate (It is) no sin upon you if you divorce women.
  • While you have not touched them.
  • Or you have (not) appointed for them an obligatory bridal gift (mahar).
  • Then give them (a compensation). For the wealthy according to his means, and for the poor according to his means.
  • A provision that is reasonable. A duty upon those who do good.
Surah AlBaqarah 02:237 
  • Paying agreed mahar at divorce if marriage did not consummate
  • And if you divorce them.
  • Before that you touched them.
  • While you have appointed for them an obligatory bridal gift (mahar).
  • Then (give) half of that which you appointed.
  • Except that they (women) forego the right, or foregoes it he in whose hand is the contract of marriage.
  • And to forego is nearer to righteousness. And do not forget kindness among yourselves. Indeed, Allah is, of what you do, All Seer.
Surah AtTalaq 65:04 
  • Waiting period (Iddat) in the case of the women without menstruation before divorce is finalized
  • 4. And those who have despaired of menstruation among your women, if you are in doubt, then their (waiting) period is three months, and (also) those who have not menstruated yet.
  • Waiting period (Iddat) for pregnant women before divorce is finalized
  • And for those who are pregnant, their term is when they deliver what they (child).
  • Fear Allah and He will make things easy in the matter of divorce
  • And whoever fears Allah, He will make for him his matter easy.
Surah AtTalaq 65:06 
  • Provide good lodging during waiting period (Iddat)
  • Lodge them (in the waiting period) where you (yourselves) live, according to your means, and do not harm them, so as to oppress them.
  • Spend on women if they are pregnant during waiting period
  • (Iddat) before divorce would take place
  • And if they are pregnant, then spend on them until they deliver what they carry.
  • Spend on women if they suckle the child after divorce
  • Then if they suckle (the child) for you, then give them their dues, and confer among yourselves in kindness.
  • Another woman can suckle the child after divorce
  • And if you make difficulties (for each other) then would suckle him another (woman).
Surah AtTalaq 65:07 
  • Spend on the divorced wife during pregnancy and child suckling
  • Let him spend, the one with means, according to his means.
  • And he, upon whom is restricted his provision, so let him spend from what Allah has given to him.
  • Does not burden Allah a person beyond what He has given him.
  • Obey Allah’s commands and He will make things easy in the matter of divorce
  • Soon will bring about Allah, after hardship, ease.
Surah AlBaqarah 2:233 
  • Divorced parents’ responsibilities for the child
  • And (divorced) mothers shall nurse (breastfeed) their children two complete years, for whoever intends that he complete the nursing.
  • Father’s responsibility to provide for divorced mother during nursing
  • And upon the father of the child is their (mothers’) provision and their clothing on a reasonable basis.
  • Divorced father and mother should not be burdened beyond their means during child suckling
  • No burden should there be upon a soul beyond its capacity. No harm should there be to a mother because of her child, nor should he (be harmed) whose child it is because of his child.
  • If father is not alive, his heir will support child suckling
  • And on (father’s) heir is (the duty) like that (of the father).
  • Weaning of the child if divorced parents agree
  • And if they intend weaning through mutual consent of them both, and consultation, then it is no sin for them both.
  • Another woman can do child suckling if divorced parents agree
  • And if you intend to have nursed your children (by other women), then it is no sin upon you, provided you pay what is due from you on reasonable basis.
  • Fear Allah in the matter of marriage, divorce and child support
  • And fear Allah, and know that Allah, of what you do, is Seer.
quran/topics/divorce.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/26 11:53 by